A’s road to Self Improvement

Okay, as you can probably guess I’ve been pretty busy. Corona had me in it’s fangs and by that I don’t mean that I was sick but it caused a lot of irritation in my life regarding work and university. There was far too much for me to do and so many uncertainties so I spent the last few weeks getting everything back in order. As of now I have completed the 2nd semester of university with awesome grades. I have managed to get a few months off of work, so I can concentrate on my internships starting september and found a pretty nice place to live. I just need to wait for the okay of the company owning the place. Wish me luck that it actually works out =)

But what I actually wanted to talk about is my new favorite thing and how it affected me in such a positive way I cannot even express it clearly enough to do it justice. I never had anything to do with Kpop ever. I have started watching some korean dramas though because they are an awesome change of pace. And oh well… There has been this actor and when I found out he was also main vocalist in a band I wanted to check it out.

And fell in love. For now it’s really just this one band. I have spent multiple hours watching their interviews and variety shows and holy cow… I admit it. I am a fangirl. 1000%. It felt weird and awkward at first because tbh I felt like I was too old for stuff like that but who is actually to say that you are too old for something? Your age should not define what you like or do. Your age does not define you. As long as it makes you happy just go for it.

And I did. This is the fourth day now and man do I feel energized. I did realize that I got happier over the last few months but right now I actually feel empowered as well. Somehow watching this band triggered something in me that is really hard to describe. I want to learn everything now. I want to care for myself. I want it all. I just now grasped the thought that indeed, I can self improve if I put in enough effort into what I actually want to improve in. And this has nothing to do with age or talent. I can just start and see how far I can go.

So that is my plan now. I set myself two goals. Over the next three months I want to improve in some skills that I always wanted to get better in and set kind of a routine to get used to practising and finding out what the most practical and efficient way for me is. In a year I just want to be able to look into the mirror and feel good about myself without 10 buts and ifs all around me. So if I can actually get a routine going while feeling this energized and having the time to do so, I might be able to maintain the momentum even with starting internship and the 3rd semester of university. So that I can proudly show off my neatly improved skills next year.

The skills in no particular order are:

Dancing: Learning a split, finding out how to move my body, get better posture and more self esteem through it

Singing: Improving my voice – because I know I have potential, I want to finally be able to sing confidently and learn better breathing techniques and demand presence when I speak without having to say so

Playing the guitar: It’s always easier if you don’t have to depend on karaoke videos, also it’s a cool skill for my job later on and it sounds amazing

Learning korean: A new langauage opens doors, helps you to think differently and improve your brain and memory. Also I wouldn’t have to read subtitles anymore while watching korean shows.

Sports in general: Get more endurance, a feel for my own body and tone and shape it up a little to improve my self esteem.

I plan to update on this blog once in a while to show you how I’m doing. Right now I only want to look forward – not back. Never back anymore =) My future lies in my hands. So does my success in reaching those goals.

Now let my road to self improvement begin! Wish me luck 😉

Until next time…take care!

-signed A ❤

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